New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Elite Beat Agents Beta video

Below is a video of the Beta version of the nintendo DS game, Elite Beat Agents (EBA). The beta shows many small differences that weren’t present in the final version of the game. These many things include flames on the bottom of the touch screen for a certain amount of consecutive beats, pink circles for completing song sections, different girls in the car and different transitions used. Some audio differences are also in place. Those include different voices (such as the announcer at the start that says “Mission” and a few sound effects.


You can see more beta Ouendan / EBA stuff in our archive: Ouendan / Elite Beat Agents [DS – Concept/Beta]

Anachronox [PC Beta / PS1 Cancelled]


Anachronox… a cold dark planet in the center of the Sender Sphere, crime… mafia… and a hilarious turn of style. Anachronox was an Rpg featured in the year 2001 by Edios Interactive and Ion storm, you took the place of Sylvester Bucelli (Sly Boots), A run down dectective living in a storage space above a bar. After being thrown out of a windobw by the local mafia taxman, he sets off in a quest to get his life back. He soon gets a small dectective work guiding a man down into a vast dangerous sewer like cave known as the Mystech Tunnels from there on he Read more

Super Mario World [SNES – Unused Stuff]


Thanks to “hacking” softwares, it’s possible to find a few beta things left in the memory of Super Mario World. There are some unused levels and sprites [like the Flying yellow mushroom (gives 1-up), the flying red coin (Gives 5 coins) and the vertical pirhana plant up (Though the upside down pirhana plant was in, this one wasn’t], a castle that has slight differences from the one in the final game, a random castle entrance with woking pipe (that just sends you to an endless bonus game most likely). It’s even possibile to fix the removed “super mario bros” Read more

[Update] Mario Galaxy Beta intro

Super Mario Galaxy has made its debut into the gaming world, won various awards and all the excitement has died down, I still get a huge smile on my face when ever I play it. In fact, posters and other assorted items are all around my room. I first began watching videos and other media in August of 07, I had just gotten my Wii, but I haven’t heard about the game until the end of August. From the videos I began to watch, I saw the STARWORLD Galaxy, Gale Galaxy and various other videos. I never put the perspective of Beta into my head until December of 07, when I finally beat the game completly. I noticed that some of the levels I saw on youtube never were in the game, I got hard to work and learned about the beta’s. Below I have compiled all my information. This is my first report so don’t expect something awesome. Read the rest of this entry »


GTA IV [X360/PS3 – Beta]


Michelle is Niko’s first girlfriend in GTA 4. In the beta version, her face looks totally different from the final. [Thanks a lot to Gerror for this image!]


Various users from the GTA Forums have found a lot of differences in the early GTA4 screens, were we can see:

  • A removed Black Taxis
  • Missing License Plates
  • Beta Gloves
  • Beta Haircut
  • Transparent White Blinkers for Police/Taxi
  • Beta clothes
  • Little Jacob without glasses
  • Beta MP5
  • Removed Silenced Glock
  • .375 Colt Python Revolver
  • Beta MP10 – Done (by BWARazor)
  • Yankee had white rims
  • NOOSE Van was an blue Boxville Truck
  • Vincent looks different
  • Vlad with a long haircut
  • RESTAUTANT were miss-spelled on the sign
  • Sales sign were removed in Chinatown
  • Leenies Fireproof were called in the beta “STANLEY Fireproof Door Co.”
  • Pogo the Space Monkey Arcade game from GTA SA in bars
  • In the Beta the Rotterdam Tower blue,purple and white lights intstead of red,white and blue lights in the final
  • The Beta has two 2 stores weren’t in the final game: JR.RAY’S and JIM
  • The Sex Shop had different wall textures

It’s interesting to notice that at the GTA Forum they are even working on a Mod for the PC version of the game, to restore some of the beta content removed from the final version! You can check the topic in here:  Grand Theft Auto IV Beta Mod.

