Some more beta screenshots added for these N64 Galleries: Mission Impossible 64, Freak Boy, Dead Ahead, Top Gear Rally, Cun-On-Pa, HED (Tonic Trouble), Yoshi’s Story, StarFox 64.
Cavalry Battle 3000 [N64 – Cancelled]
Cavalry Battle 3000 is a cancelled Nintendo 64 game that was in development by Japan System Supply. There is not much information on this project, but it seems that it was going to be a racing game with gameplay somehow similar to Road Rash, in which the player has to fight his opponents while trying to win the race. At the moment only a single screenshot remains from Cavalry Battle, but we hope that more images and info will be found in the future, maybe in some old Japanese gaming magazine.
Cyber Thug [Playstation – Cancelled]
Cyberthug (aka Cyber Thug) is a cancelled action game that was in development by MGM Interactive for the original Playstation.It seems that a bonus comic book was published to promote the game, and the story from the comic was a prequel of the story we would have seen in the game.
If you have more info about this project, please let us know!
Thanks to Steve for the contribution!
Roller Ball [Playstation, N64, PC – Cancelled]
As we can read on Wikipedia:
“In 1997, Z-Axis Games was developing an official Rollerball video game adaption based on the film As part of MGM Interactive video game showcase lineup, The video game’s promise was to recreate the action of the futuristic game played in the movie, and it was set 10 years after the events of the film in the 2098 Rollerball season, where the player would be in charge of managing their Rollerball teams around the world, made up of Rollerball players with roles such as strikers, enforcers, guard, and other players who compete using jet bikes and magnetic in-line skates. Rollerball: The Video Game was slated to be released for PlayStation, PC, and Nintendo 64 on the first quarter of 1998, but was delayed to mid-1998 and then was canceled due to the publisher, MGM Interactive, going bankrupt.”
The Red Star e3 2004 Version
Borman has got his hands on an interesting beta demo of The Red Star, the one that was playable at E3 2004… but the game was released only in 2007! As he says at PtPO: “Luckily, the game is quite fun, so I am glad it finally found its way to the hands of some consumers. The version that I obtained, thanks to Ace (!!), is the version that Acclaim was showing off during e3 2004. Better yet, one particular .bik video on the disk caught my eye, as it was an early, storyboard version of the attract / intro movie, complete with drawings and arrows pointing out how the final animation would play!”
I still need to play The Red Star so i do not know if there are some differences between this demo and the final version (apart from the storyboards in the intro movie), but you can check all the screenshots and videos at Past To Present Online. If you find some differences, let us know! :)