New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Railroad Tycoon [SNES – Unreleased]

ENG: This entry in the archive doesn’t have a description yet. If you want to add some info about the beta / cancelled stuff that you see in these images, just write a comment or send us an email! We’ll add your info in this page and your name in the contributors list. Thanks a lot for your help! :)

ITA: Questa pagina dell’archivio non ha ancora una descrizione. Se vuoi aggiungere delle informazioni riguardo le differenze della beta o la descrizione di un gioco cancellato, lasciaci un commento o mandaci una email! Inseriremo le tue informazioni nella pagina ed il tuo nome nella lista dei collaboratori. Grazie per il tuo aiuto! :)

Thanks to SNES Central for these images!


Rap Basketball [Cancelled – SNES / Mega Drive / Genesis]

Rap Basketball is a cancelled sport game that was in development by Motown Records for the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. Thanks to D we have some more info that can be preserved about this unreleased game:

In 1994, Motown Records had wanted to enter into the video game industry, because Virgin was doing well.
Their first product was going to be called “Rap Basketball” and was said to actually have ‘Snoop Dog’ signed among other Rap artists. In January 1995, I was the sole artist assigned to the project at the time, and went out to research graffiti walls in order to paint cool backgrounds for SNES/SEGA ports using Deluxe Paint II, Deluxe Animation II, and Tume. Here are two actual screenshots day and night of the basketball court (missing the ‘boom-box’ and ‘player-characters’) I think it would have been a really fun game, too bad Motown decided against entering the video game business a few months later.

Thanks to SNES Central for some of these images!


Megaman 7 (Rockman) [SNES – Beta]

Rock Man – Mega Man 7 was the third Mega Man game released on the Super Nintendo, and the first Original series game to be released on the system.  The beta version shows that beyond a few graphical changes, little actually playing aspects were changed.

It known that similar to how the opening stage of Mega Man X had a collapsable ground, Mega Man 7 did as well.  However, it was removed for unknown reasons.


Much of the opening stage’s background and ground itself was different in the beta.  The skyline of the city seems to have not be viewable in the background, and the ground was rather dull and brown.  It should also be noted that the dialogue box was much like the X series’, though it was changed in the final version to the comic style dialogue bubble we’ve seen it as today.



The stage selection screen did not change as to regards of only four robot masters being available to be battled at first.  However, the beta version did not actually show you whose stage you were going to.  Perhaps the developers originally wanted you to be surprised by who were you going to battle with?

Thanks a lot to SNES Central for these images!


Sega VR footage [CES 1993]


Il Sega VR fu un progetto per la realtà virtuale casalinga annunciato da Sega nel 1991. Si trattava praticamente di una specie di maschera con integrati uno schrmo LCD e altoparlanti. Era dotata di un sensore in grado di percepire i movimenti della testa del giocatore e reagire di conseguenza. Purtroppo (o per fortuna a seconda dei punti di vista) il Sega VR prevedibilmente ebbe problemi nello sviluppo, anche legati ad eventuali effetti collaterali (come ad esempio mal di testa e fastidio agli occhi). L’add-on venne così abbandonato, cercando di sfruttare il concept della VR per gli arcade o per il Sega SAturn eventualmente. Fino ad oggi solo alcuni mock-up e articoli di riviste ci erano pervenuti a proposito di questo sfortunato progetto ma è stato pubblicato su YouTube un video che ci mostra lo stand Sega al CES 1993 con un video promozionale ed un test!

Aspettatevi presto un articolo completo sul Sega VR (non una traduzione da Wikipedia) nella futura sezione Console del sito!