Thanks to Chris Covell on the Assembler Forum, we finally have some more informations about the assumed BS-X remake of Zelda 2. As we can read on Wikipedia, the Satellaview (also know as BS-X) was a satellite modem add-on for Nintendo’s Super Famicom system, released in Japan in 1995. The…
[Update] more beta screens in the gallery
We have added some new beta images in these galleries: D2 [M2], Dawn Of Darkness [PSX/Saturn], Rayman 2 [2D Version], Waterworld [Saturn], Attack [N64], Donkey Kong Fun With Music [NES], Dead Ahead [N64], Half Life, Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario Sunshine, Eternal Darkness [N64], Mystical Ninja Goemon [N64] &…
beatmaniaIIDX16 – Empress [Public beta/location test]
As Bemani (music games by Konami) fan I felt like had to post this [: A new version of beatmaniaIIDX awaits us again and the public beta (better known as location test) is starting today! Millions of fans in japan and all over the world are gathering in Tokyo to…
[Projects] Super Mario 64 Beta Remake
After the Super Mario World Beta Remake by Randy355, Unseen 64 would like to promote another attempt in recreating the Mario 64 Beta game: in this new unseen project, Bosco is trying to hack Super Mario 64 with Toad’s Tool 64, to change textures and to add some of the…
Unseen Interviews: Frank Cifaldi from Lost Levels
<< More Articles As you probably already know, the Unseen 64 Staff is not the only group of beta geeks that loves to talk about the cuts and changes in the gaming development: online we can find some other great sites dedicated to the beta-researches. Often these groups of gaming…