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Doom 4 1.0 [Cancelled – PC / Xbox 360 / PS3]

Before the successful Doom 2016 reboot, there was another cancelled version, nicknamed by fans as Doom 4 1.0. What happened? We have to go back to the origins of Doom. Primordial blood lust and volatile gameplay is inherent and integral to not only the first-person shooter genre but more so…

Aeon-Metal Fighters [GBC – Unreleased]

Aeon-Metal Fighters is an unreleased shoot ’em up that was in development by Dune team for the Gameboy Color. The project was started around 2001, all the graphics and musics are done, the code is about 70 percent finished, the main big task Dune left unfinished was the level design.…

Fossil Fighters Champions [Beta – DS]

Fossil Fighters Champions is an RPG for the Nintendo DS, published by Nintendo. It takes the “monster battling” approach to extinct creatures, and has players waging battles against each other using monsters based off of dinosaurs and other paleolithic beasts. In order to find these creatures, however, they must dig…

Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now! [Beta / Removed Content – PC]

Article by Razor Removed Content The development of Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now! was a frenzied one, a lot of changes were made throughout the game. Most of the changes have been documented by several fans of the franchise on the Carmageddon fan discussion boards. Steel Gonad O’ Death Got ‘im…

Zzyorxx II [Jaguar – Cancelled]

Zzyorxx II is a cancelled shoot ’em up that was in development by Virtual Xperience for Jaguar. The game run at 60 fps and had planned 5 different ages to go through from Prehistory to Star Wars ( passing through Middle Ages and First World War ). As Rodolphe Czuba…