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Pac-Man Ghost Zone [PSX – Cancelled]

Pac-Man Ghost Zone is a cancelled platform game that was in development in 1996 by Namco Hometek for the original playstation. This would have been the first 3D Pac Man game to be released for home consoles. Ghost Zone was previewed in various old magazines and it seems that it…

WarDevil/Project Kane [Xbox 360 / PS3 – Cancelled]

WarDevil, also known as WarDevil: Enigma, WarDevil: Unleash the Beast Within and later rebranded as Project Kane, is a canceled futuristic post-apocalyptic action beat them up game developed at least from 2003 until 2011 by Ignition London, formerly Digi-Guys, and published by UTV Ignition Entertainment, first for the Xbox and…

Ultima IX (9) [PC – Beta]

Ultima IX (9) is a RPG in the Ultima series, developed by Origin Systems and released for PC in 1999. Ultima 8 was released in 1994 and in those 5 years between the 2 titles, the “Ultima IX project” had a long and troubled development. As we can read on…

Black & White [PC – Beta / Proto]

Black & White is a god / strategy game developed by Lionhead Studios and published by Electronic Arts and Feral Interactive in 2001 for PC. The project was in development till 1997 / 1998 and in the gallery below you can see some early screenshots, taken from various target renders,…