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[February Update] More content in the U64 Archive

In the last few months we have added some screens, videos or info in these Unseen Archives (more than 100 games!): Crank the Weasel [XBOX, PS2], Shadow of Atlantis [Sega CD], 1/4 RPG [DC, PS2], Raven Blade [GC], Retro Football [GC], Metroid Prime [GC], Robotech Crystal Dream [N64], Rock [PC],…

12 Volt [PS2/XBOX/GC – Cancelled]

12 Volt is an arcade racing game that was in development by Sproing in 2003 / 2004 for the Playstation 2, Xbox and GameCube. The game was set in slot-car tracks and players would have been able to race their models in houses and gardens. 12 Volt looked like a…

Nuclear Rush [Sega VR – Unreleased]

Nuclear Rush is an unreleased shooter that was in development in 1993 for the Sega VR, the canned “virtual reality” accessory planned for the Mega Drive / Genesis. Four games were apparently developed for the system, each using 16 Mb cartridges that were to be bundled with the headset. One…

Wildwaters (Extreme Kayak) [N64 – Cancelled]

Wildwaters (also know as “Extreme Kayak” and “X-Stream”) is a cancelled racing game that was in development by Looking Glass Studios for the Nintendo 64 in 1998 / 1999. The project was announced at E3 1999 by Ubisoft (that was interested as a publisher) while the studio was working on…

Monster Hunter [MD/G – Cancelled]

The Menacer is a wireless lightgun created by Sega for the Sega Mega Drive / Genesis in 1992, as a response to the Super Scope by Nintendo. Sega and third-party developers did not develop many games for the Menacer and one of these projects, know as “Monster Hunter”, was cancelled…