Action Adventure

Titan [PS3 – Cancelled]

Titan was a concept for a game that was in development at StormFront Studios (the original creators of Neverwinter Nights) before it was closed down on March 31, 2008. From the look of the few artworks available, it seems that the game was going to be an action adventure / third person shooter, with an huge robot to use as support in the battles. Sadly Titan was cancelled with the death of StormFront.


Shadow Of The Colossus: unused eastern area discovered!

Robert Seddon has made us to notice about an interesting article at Team ICO Gamers Blog: they have discovered an huge, unused architecture hidden in the Eastern area of the game map. This discovery was made by Pikol, thanks to some codes, and as they wrote on the article this unfinished building “looks unlike anything else in the game. Architecture wise it looks much more modern than the temples and arenas where colossi roam. It actually looks more similar to the castle in ICO.”

As Robert said, we can only wonder if this place was going to be used for one of those unused colossi that were made in the beta of the game. Huge props to Pikol for this find! Take a look at these pics and especially at the video:

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