
Storm Riders [Xbox – Cancelled]

Storm Riders is a cancelled action game that was in development for the original Xbox, that could have been based on a korean film / comic with the same name. There are not many info on its development, but an early beta version / prototype of the game was somehow found on an old Xbox Debug Kit by Museman and it was shared online thanks to the Assembler Games Forum. The menu, HUD and some of the character’s moves are really similar to Ninja Gaiden, but there aren’t any connection with Tecmo’s game.

As wrote by Andrew Borman in the Assembler Forum:

Storm Riders was built really, really late in the Xbox’s life, July 22 2005, NG started life in like 1999 before being announced at e3 2002 and released in March 2004. I havent found any evidence other than one comment that seemed to think it came from a Tecmo Xbox. Ive dug through the XBE some more and didnt find anything. It was compiled from a folder called Phoenix, which I thought might be related to Iron Phoenix, but beyond that I havent seen the evidence to link it, so I moed on.

Borrowing assets isn’t all that unusual in the dev world, so the NG assets are meaningless. But if you look up Storm Riders Online, which was to be an MMO, it was made by a studio called Phoenix Games Studio, which with the compile info points to it being from them, which is a studio in Malaysia. This also links back to the fact that the Xbox it was found on was 220v, which wouldnt be the case for a Japanese box, but does match for Malaysia. So that is much more likely

Thanks a lot to MegaMoto85 for the video!




Redemption: Project Jelena (Crytek) [Cancelled – PC]

Redemption, AKA Project Jelena is a cancelled action game that was in development by Crytek in 2008, probably for PC. There are not many info about this game or why they decided to stop the development, but we know that the Forest map featured in one of CryEngine 3′s SDK is an area from this unreleased title. Jelena should have been the girl with a scarf that we can see in some other CryEngine 3 tech demos and also in some concept arts that you can see in the gallery below, archived to preserve the existence of this lost project.

As we can read at DSOGaming:

Our guess is that the player would control the male character and would have to protect and escort the girl to safety. In one particular concept art, we can see the main characters hiding from a bunch of people (suggesting that the game would feature survival elements), while on another we can see a destroyed car with two characters searching for survivors.

CryENGINE 3 was later released on October 2009 and now Crytek are working on Crysis 3, Ryse, Warface and  Homefront 2, but maybe in the future Redemption / Project Jelena could be resurrected.

Thanks to USERDANTE for the contribution!




Technomancer [Cancelled – XBOX / PS2 / PC]

Technomancer – A Calcaphon Adventure is a cancelled action game that was in development by Qube Software for the original Xbox, Playstation 2 and PC, that would have been published by Virgin Interactive Entertainment. The project started in early 1999 and the development continued till 2003, with a playable prototype / beta version, but they never finished the game. As the main focus of Qube has always been the development of 3D software for 3D middleware and not games,  maybe they had some development problems and Technomancer was  cancelled. Only a video is archived in the below, to preserve its existence.

Thanks to MegaMoto85 for the contribution!



James Bond 007: Risico (Raven Software) [Cancelled – Xbox 360 / PS3]

As we can read on Wikipedia, James Bond 007: Risico is a cancelled game that was in development by Raven Software studios. This early replacement of Blood Stone was never officially announced, but some screenshots and videos were leaked on the internet. Risico was based on Ian Fleming’s short story “Risico” with the plotline expanded and involved with other unseen elements from James Bond novels written by Ian Fleming himself.

It’s possible that this Raven Software’s new James Bond title was cancelled because of MGM’s financial troubles, while G4 reports that the team has been told to put its  Bond project on hold and instead develop map packs for Treyarch’s Call of Duty: Black Ops. Also, James Bond 007: Risico might have been intended for a release during Christmas 2010, if Bloodstone had been released (as originally planned) in 2009. Two Bond games in the same timeframe – that was even enough for Activision.

Thanks to PyratRum for the contribution!



Zodiac Assassin [PS3 – Cancelled Prototype]

Zodiac Assassin (PS3) was a prototype by Sony Cambridge in 2005. Studio director James Shepherd wanted to produce a globe-trotting, Kill Bill-esque assassin game. The game would have been set in a number of locations such as Mexico (during the “Day of the Dead” festival), Turkey and Japan. It was meant to feature a female lead who was heavily into disguises and assassinations. The title didn’t get very far as Sony was buying in the martial arts fantasy game Heavenly Sword from Ninja Theory.
