Beat ’em up

The Avengers [Cancelled – Xbox 360 / PS3 / PC / Wii U]

The Avengers [Cancelled – Xbox 360 / PS3 / PC / Wii U]

The Avengers is a cancelled first person co-op beat ‘em up game that was planned to  be released alongside the 2012 superhero movie of the same name. The project was under development at THQ Studio Australia (Studio Oz) until THQ decided to close it. It was being worked on for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC; with further plans for a Wii U release.

Pre-production on the Avengers video game began in August 2010 at the Brisbane-based, THQ Studio Australia with approximately 80 employees working on it. During the first months of preliminary development, it was originally being planned as a third person game.

An Avengers movie – with Skrulls?

The Avengers - Cancelled Game Concept Art

When details of the project began to leak online in September 2011, there was a number of claims and rumors from various sites that the game was in some way connected to Marvel Studios’ Avengers movie, which was to be released the following year. Concept art was soon uncovered depicting the heroes facing down the Skrulls, an alien race from the Marvel comics. This lead some to believe that the upcoming film would also feature Skrulls, through the assumption that the game was directly tied into it. Jeremy Love, an artist who worked on the title for THQ was adamant that this was never the case:

“[It was] totally unrelated to the film. We were given early film art to use as reference for certain things but that’s about it.”

He continued, elaborating on possible sources of the confusion:

“Some toys were released before the film which were based on designs we had done for the game. People naturally jumped on that and drew their own conclusions. When the game was cancelled, some footage and art was leaked which also fueled speculation that the Skrull race would feature in the upcoming film.”


City Heroes [Mega Drive / Genesis – Cancelled]

City Heroes is a cancelled beat ’em up that was in development by korean Samsung Electronics for the Sega Mega Drive / Genesis. Thanks to an article at Hardcore Gaming 101, we can read that the game was almost finished, but sadly because of some problems with the country’s censorship system, City Heroes was never released.

Thanks to George for the contribution!



Gekido [N-Gage – Cancelled]

Gekido is a series of beat ’em up games developed by Naps Team, released for the Playstation and GameBoy Advance, with a Gekido PSP and a Gekido GameBoy Color that were never finished for some reasons. It seems that they planned an N-Gage chapter too, as we can read in an old IGN article, but even this version was canned. The 2D sprites were really good and it could have been one of the best looking games for the N-Gage, but it possible that they had to stop the development because of the low sales of the Nokia console / phone.

Thanks to Celine for the contribution!


Bounty Hunter [Genesis / Mega Drive – Cancelled?]

Bounty Hunter is a cancelled (?) beat ’em up that was in development for the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive. In the game you would have take the role of Garrot, a bounty hunter in the year 2397. You had to travel to four different fantasy realms to neutralize the evil dwellers beating them up using your own fists and feet through Sega’s Activator. In fact Bounty Hunter was planned to be packed with the quirky Sega’s device but in the end it doesn’t seem to ever be released.

Scan from italian Game Power magazine issue 21.


Warriors [PSX – Cancelled]

Warriors is a cancelled beat ’em up (?) that was in development by Atreid Concept (a French company founded by Nicolas Gaume)  for the original Playstation. As we can read from Wikipedia, in late 1994 Atreid Concept became part of Mindscape (as Mindscape Bordeaux) and later Nicolas Gaume bought Mindscape Bordeaux back in 1996, and renamed the company Kalisto Entertainment. It’s possible that Warriors was in development in that chaotic time and the project could have been canned during the various changes of companies.

Atreid Concept did release a 2D fighting game titled “Savage Warriors” for PC in 1995, but Warriors for the PSX should have been a 3D beat ’em up, at least from what we can read and see in the few concept arts / target renders found by Celine in an article from CD Consoles magazine #2.

If you know someone that worked for Atreid / Kalisto during those years and  that could have some more info about Warriors PSX, please let us know!
