Beat ’em up

Metalocalypse: Dethgame [PS3 X360 – Cancelled]

Metalocalypse: Dethgame is a cancelled action game / beat ’em up that was in development by Frozen Codebase and it would have been published by Konami for the Xbox 360 Live Arcade and the Playstation 3 PSN download service. As we can read on Wikipedia, Metalocalypse is an American animated television series, which was created by Brendon Small and Tommy Blacha, and premiered in 2006 on Adult Swim.

In the game players would have played as one of the band’s roadies, and the game was to be set in Mordhaus, where the player would fight mutant fans. The game would have included music taken from Dethklok’s albums. The game has been canceled, because “the creative direction of the game would not live up to the high standards…set for the project”.

As we can read on IGN:

You play as a nameless Klokateer, a minion of sorts for Metalocalypse, and the game opens with you standing in front of a urinal and peeing. Using the left analog stick, you can aim your pee and urinate to the left and right. This doesn’t actually do anything or even leave yellow puddles on the ground, but that’s how it starts. After you finish and zip up, which happens automatically after a while, you wonder through the barracks and into a training room where you start beating up punkster guys and gals. And that’s pretty much the entire game.

On July 28, 2010 (a year and 8 days after its announcement) announced the cancellation of  Metalocalypse: Dethgame

“Konami has confirmed to IGN it has parted ways with Cartoon Network regarding Metalocalypse: Dethgame, a downloadable title based off the Adult Swim series that was previously set for release this year.

A little while later, Cartoon Network issued this statement:

Cartoon Network Enterprises has indeed ended production on the previously-announced Metalocalypse: The Dethgame. After a lot of time and work, together with Konami, the decision was made that the creative direction of the game would not live up to the high standards we had set for the project and we did not want to release a less than outstanding game.

In other words… “It sucked, we aren’t releasing it.”

Thanks to ForWhomTheBellTolls for the contribution!

Videos from ZAMNman, superbiener and GamingWalktrough Youtube channels!




Area 51 [PS2 XBOX – Cancelled]

Area 51 is a cancelled action / shooter game planned for Playstation 2 and Xbox that was in development by Midway Games West in 2000/2001. It was meant to be a direct successor to Atari’s 1995 light gun shooter which saw a re-release on PlayStation, PC and Saturn in the same year.

Sadly in 2003 Midway Games West closed down and only in 2005 Midway Studios Austin released a loose remake of the 1995 game and in 2007 another sequel called Blacksite: Area 51. We can assume that Area 51 2005 is a completely different project than the 2000 / 2001 one, as the development teams were different.

It’s interesting to notice that in 1998 / 1999 Midway Games West also worked on Area 51: Grey Dawn, an unreleased arcade brawler that could have been re-used as a base to create the concept for their cancelled Area 51 for Xbox and PS2. The only video preserved from the 2000 / 2001 project looks infact a mix between a shooter and a traditional beat ’em up. If you have more info on this lost game, please let us know!


Thunder in Paradise [SNES – Cancelled]

Thunder in Paradise is a cancelled action game that was in development in 1994 for the Super Nintendo by Software Toolworks. The game was based on the TV series of the same name, starring Hulk Hogan, and it would have had at least 3 different gameplay modes, as we can see from the screenshots in the gallery below, found in  EGM issue #63.

As wrote by Evan G in his article on SNES Central, it’s possible that  the Thunder in Paradise game was never released because the TV show was cancelled in late 1994 for quality reasons. It would have been an economic risk to complete and publish a game based on an unsuccessful TV show.

Another Thunder in Paradise game was released for the CD-I, but it’s different from the SNES version.

Thanks to Celine for the contribution!


Savage Heroes [GEN MD – Cancelled]

Savage Heroes was a fighting game, produced by Electronic Arts, planned for the Genesis / Mega Drive, that was originally conceived as a hybrid between brawler Streets of Rage and 1-on-1 fighting game Street Fighter II. The game would have handled this fusion by utilising two similar, but different, control schemes: for the multiple-enemy-based combat, the controls would have mimicked Street Fighter II’s control scheme, but been more efficient and general to allow for quick disposal of multiple opponents.

During boss fights, however, the controls tightened up so as to increase precision, and the view changed to a smaller arena, resembling a typical 1-on-1 fighter game. The game included two-player support, and also would have contained an exclusively 1-on-1 mode to provide a more traditional experience if players required it.

The game’s original designer, Scott Berfield, outlined, in an interview with Sega-16, some of the reasons he believes the game was eventually canned. As well as the project being too ambitious and advanced for the Genesis (and better-suited to a more powerful console), the developer responsible for creating the prototype game was not of a high quality and, as a result, enthusiasm and, therefore, sales forecasts, decreased. EA finally pulled the plug, sending the Savage Heroes finances over to a different game (Shaq-Fu).

This game is interesting not only because of its unique style, but also because of its setting. Savage Heroes would have been set on another world, populated entirely by intelligent, humanoid animals. A crime-fighting team of four heroes would match wits with the crime lord Teeg, a Bengal Tiger. Of the four protagonists, different ones would be controlled by the player at different places in the game. The four members of the team were:

  • Bruno, a bear and kung-fu master, the group’s leader
  • Lucy, a wolf and kick-boxer
  • Reno, a rhinoceros and brawler
  • Leon, a lion and karate expert, who was very street-smart.

In order to make the game properly, the Savage Heroes team planned to use stop-motion animation in order to get the characters to look as lifelike as possible, and about a dozen 12-16” figures are, according to Berfield, probably still sitting in storage at EA. These figures were made by a Texas special effects business exclusively for the game.

Berfield also notes that the levels in the game were planned to be entirely seamless: each one led directly into the next one, separated by a level result screen superimposed over the transition sequence. Berfield says that he is very interested in eventually getting Savage Heroes finished, because he still has a personal connection to the created characters. You can find pictures of the characters, and other production material at Sega16.

Article By Franklint


Halloween Capsule [GEN MD – Cancelled]

Halloween Capsule is a cancelled side-scrolling brawler / beat ’em up with animals for characters, that was in development in 1994 for the Sega Mega Drive / Genesis (or Samsung Super Aladdin Boy, how the system was named in Korea) by the Korean company Softmax, best known for their War of Genesis and Magna Carta series. Halloween Capsule was one of their first projects, but it was never released for unknown reasons and only few screenshots were found in an old korean magazine.

Thanks to Derboo for the contribution!
