
Cyber Fighter [PC-FX – Cancelled]

Cyber Fighter is a cancelled fighting game set in a futuristic context where robots fight each others like in the terrible game “Rise of the Robots” (it uses pre-rendered graphics too). The title developed by NEC HE would never seen the light of the day for unknown reason. You can watch a short video of Cyber Fighter below, taken from a promotional video made by NEC to promote the then brand-new system.



The Strangers [Sega CD – Cancelled]

The Strangers was going to be a one to one fighting game based on characters from Malibu comic books ( plus three new characters made specifically for this game). On EGM issue 59 there is a small preview of the game in a very early state. The Strangers probably was never released because the developer, Malibu Interactive, closed down around 1994 ( the preview is from mid 1994 ).


Bloodlust I.K.3 [Arcade PSX – Cancelled]

Bloodlust (aka International Karate 3) is a cancelled 2D fighting game that was in development in 1995 / 1996 by Atari for the Arcades and Playstation. The original International Karate was a 1985 title released for the ZX Spectrum, MSX, Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC and Atari 8-bit family of computers, with a sequel called International Karate + released a year later. It seems that a Bloodlust prototype is in the hands of some collectors, but only few screenshots are preserved in the gallery below.

The arcade version was based on 64MB PC hardware (Cyrix Media GX PC), while the PSX conversion was going to have some graphical limitations. 16 playable characters were planned, that were inspired by RARE’s Killer Instinct.

Thanks to Celine and Ross Sillifant for the contribution! Scans from EDGE magazine #55


Capcom vs SNK [Arcade Dreamcast – Beta]

Capcom vs SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 is a fighting game developed by Capcom and released for Sega’s NAOMI arcade hardware in 2000 and ported to the Dreamcast during the same year. When it was first announced, the characters of the Street Fighter series had the same graphic style as “Street Fighter Zero”, different from the style used in the final game. The scenarios were also quite different (with references to the latest Capcom games, as Power Stone).  In the gallery below you can see various screenshots from the beta version: if you can notice more differences, please let us know!

Thanks to Mestre Ryu for the contribution!


FX Fighter [PC FX – Cancelled]

As we can read on, FX Fighter is a cancelled fighting game, used to promote the PC-FX and it’s graphical capabilities.  A demo was shown at the Tokyo Toy Show in 1994. The game was a 1-on-1 3D fighter which used FMV to represent the characters movement.  The game was cancelled halfway through development with only 3 or 4 characters done because the sheer size of the FMVs needed to complete the game exceeded the capacity of a single CD.

You can watch a couple of videos below, one taken from a promotional video made by NEC to promote the then brand-new system (shared by Dosunceste), another from AssemblerEx YT Channel.

Thanks to Celine for the contribution!
