Another one of the RS Links updates, this time about a removed character from the new Megaman 9: Robert Seddon linked us to Kotaku, where they wrote that: “According to Capcom PR dude Tim Ng, there were going to be two female robot villains – but the second girl was scrapped because the developers didn’t want fans to feel like the series was changing too much.” Now, i wonder if there was already a sprite for the second woman, or it was just a concept.. mmhh..

In an interview on GameSpot with Capcom producer Hironobu Takeshita, we can read more info about the removed character:
GS: Are there any robot masters that didn’t make the cut that you can share with us?
HT: I don’t mean to evade your question, but there is one boss we’d love to introduce to the fans in this occasion. His name is Fake Man. He appears on the special stage available in downloadable content. He also makes a small appearance in the main content. This is a big hint! Some of you might have already gotten it by just telling you this. The special stage will be very challenging for most of you, and you may not be able to see him often. Don’t be discouraged. He is waiting for you, to battle you!
He is just a Honey Bee Robot. Isn’t that way too simple? He was originally to be Honey Woman–a woman robot–but through many redesigning stages, the Honey Bee Robot became a man, and Splash Woman became the first and only woman in the series so far.