
Mirror’s Edge [Wii – Concept / Prototype]

In autumn 2008, DICE’s Mirror’s Edge was released on the Xbox 360, PC and PS3. However, EA wanted to expand on this concept and asked Backbone Entertainment to produce a small demo of the game for the Wii. A portable version of the game was pitched for the PSP and DS too.

Currently it’s still unknown whether a Mirror’s Edge game will ever be released on platforms other than PC, Xbox 360 and PS3.


The Simpsons: Virtual Bart [SNES/MD/G – Beta]

The Simpsons: Virtual Bart was released for the Super NES and Mega Drive / Genesis in 1994 by Acclaim.  KeijiDragon (Kei) has recored some videos from an interesting prototype of the game, that is somewhat different from the final version. You can check the annotations in the videos for more details:

Japanese Super Famicom (the Japanese Super Nintendo) pre-release prototype of The Simpsons: Virtual Bart game. Why is it Japanese? The ROM header states that it’s “run” on Japanese systems, or something like that. There are lots of differences in this prototype that are between large and small, and this video goes into detail what’s in the prototype.

Thanks a lot to KeijiDragon / Kei for the contribution!



Chameleon Twist [N64 – Tech Demo]

Chameleon Twist is a platformer developed by Japan System Supply and published for the Nintendo 64 in 1997 by Sunsoft. In these screenshots below we can see an early Tech Demo / Target Render, from the early days of the project. The graphic was much more definited than the final version, while the scenario was empty and created just to show the “feel” of the game.

Thanks to Celine and Gilgalegrouik for the contribution!
