shoot ’em up

Star Fox 2 [SNES – Unreleased]


StarFox 2 is an unreleased video game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It was to be a part of the Star Fox series and the direct sequel to Star Fox. The game was never released due to the impending release of the Nintendo 64 and the desire to use the most advanced systems available for the game. There have since been various rumors about a release of the game in various formats.

The game was extensively covered by the various gaming magazines of the time, both at its one E3 appearance as well as in the many screenshots provided by Nintendo to generate interest in the sequel. Since the leaking of the unfinished beta code, some individuals have managed to take and compile a large variety of screengrabs. These were taken using an emulator. Though it’s likely that a promotion video was put together at the time, no copies of it have ever been made public. The lack of media coverage about the compiled beta may be due to a fear of legal action from either NCL or NOA. Early in development, Fara Phoenix from the Star Fox comic (called “Lady” in the alpha) and the Andross look-alike “Saru” were in place of Miyu and Fay. Fay replaced a sheep character (gender unknown) from the game’s early development.

On the Internet, ROM images exist of two very early alpha versions of the game, which were originally shown at trade shows. Another ROM, compiled from the latest known source code before the project was cancelled, can also be found — this version is nearly complete and contains minor bugs, debug code, and unfinished features such as a rudimentary multiplayer mode. These ROMs can be played using a SNES emulator. Additionally, fan-made patch can be added to the near-final ROM — this fixes most of the bugs, removes the debug code and the unfinished features, and translates the game’s dialog into English. – [info from Wikipedia]

For more infos: StarFox 2 – Beta Analysis

Per maggiori informazioni: Analisi StarFox 2 Beta




Bounty Arms [PSX – Unreleased]

Bounty Arms is a cancelled action game / third person shooter that was in development by Data West for the original Playstation in 1995. A playable demo was added on the fifth volume of “Demo Demo PlayStation” in Japan and thanks to Carnivol from the Lost Levels forum this beta-demo was shared and now you can play it! You can find more info and the download link at Kid Fenris’s blog.

Thanks to Celine for the contribution! Videos from CanOfTheRelics and Kidfenris!


[Scanned by:]



Geist Force [DC – Cancelled]


Si conosce molto poco su Geist Force, se non che doveva essere uno sparatutto per il Sega Dreamcast, ambientato nel futuro. In un lontano pianeta, durante una guerra civile, era stata scoperta un’ arma che stava distruggendo l’astro, il vostro compito era di fermarla. Il gioco venne ufficialmente cancellato a causa del producer, non contento dello sviluppo della sua creazione, e dal fatto che il team di sviluppo era costantemente cambiato, per colpa dei designer che abbandonavano il lavoro al gioco.

Thanks to Celine for the contribution!


Some images from



Propeller Arena [Dreamcast – Cancelled]


Propeller Arena: Aviation Battle Championship, had to be one of those titles that would show the potential of the Dreamcast, a console for online gaming. The plot was simple: in 2045, would set up a championship fights between aircraft of the Second World War. The game included a Championship mode, where by choosing one of the playable characters, you could face the fighting and move forward in history, a quick battles, where you could challenge a friend (up to 4 split screen) or the computer, and an online mode, true essence of the game.

In fact, Propeller Arena promised exciting multiplayer battles on public game servers, in which players communicate through a microphone (which is rumored to have been integrated in the packaging of the game) or the keyboard. Unfortunately, this promising game was postponed and then canceled, for several reasons.

For some, the failure of the Dreamcast just around the corner, SEGA thought this game would have earned enough and the gate, while for others the real reason was another

A level of the game, titled Tower Stage, saw aerial combat in the middle of a city of palaces, with the planes which crashed on the latter. According to some, this level was too much like the attack of September 11th (which had just happened to coincide with the launch of the game, scheduled for November 2001) and it was this stage that caused the downfall of the game, however, the various P2P networks, You can find the disk image of Propeller Arena, a pre-release dump from someone.

Thanks to minichapman for the translation!


More info:


Propeller Arena Trailer


Thunderforce VI [Dreamcast – Concept / Cancelled]


A video was made in 2000 which circulated on the Internet showing the intro sequence for Thunder Force VI. This video serves as evidence that Thunder Force VI was at one point in development for the Sega Dreamcast console. In 2001, a video game music album was released from the band “Noise” entitled Broken Thunder: Noise Image Soundtrack Volume 3 featuring music intended to be used in Thunder Force VI. The soundtrack is composed by Tsukumo Hyakutarou, Noise band member and music composer for many of Technosoft’s games (including Thunder Force V). On December 5, 2005, the music featured in Broken Thunder: Noise Image Soundtrack Volume 3 was re-relased along with other arrangements from previous Thunder Force games on an album entitled Thunder Force VI Soundtrack ~Broken Thunder~ published by “Factory Noise & AG”. Internet rumors have been floating around that Technosoft, who has not been heard from since the early 2000s, are currently rehiring staff and planning to release Thunder Force VI for an unnamed game system. – [info from Wikipedia]

