Survival Horror

Silent Hill Origins [PSP – Beta]

Silent Hill: Origins was first announced at E3 2006: the game would not be produced by Konami’s Team Silent, who had developed all previous Silent Hill games, but by Climax Studios instead. The first previews of the game featured a radical departure from the original game style with the inclusion of a Resident Evil 4 style camera angle, although Oertel stressed that the game would not be a first-person shooter.

Travis would have access to six weapons, three of which were melee weapons and three of which were firearms, including a pistol, a revolver and a shotgun. There were also plans to introduce a laser-sight for Travis’s pistol and a new “Barricade” system which would allow the player to block access to areas from monsters with improvised objects.

In October 2006, Climax’s US based team working on Origins was sacked, with rumors circulating that the game production was becoming a disaster through mismanagement and “unrealistic deadlines”, and that the final version of the game was expected to have only “three to four hours of gameplay”. Production of the game was subsequently moved to the United Kingdom.

Later previews of the game showed that the game had changed significantly, and contained gameplay more in line with that found in the previous titles in the series, scrapping the Resident Evil 4 camera angle and some of the enemies seen in the original trailers [Infos from Wikipedia]

Thanks to Celine for the contribution!




Resident Evil 5 Beta Analysis

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Article by yota

Resident Evil 5 was officially announced on June 2005, but it was shown for the first time to the public only two months later in a CG trailer. This video was essentially one of the concepts that the developers were working on since the release of Resident Evil 4: in what at time seemed to be the Middle East or Africa, we saw Chris exploring the alleys of a city and then being  attacked by a group of enemies.

The graphics style and the general mood were already much similar to the released game, even if Chris looked somewhat younger and less bulky.It is interesting to note that producer of the game said, in an old interview, that originally the time of the day and the weather were supposed to have a major impact on the gameplay and affect the main characters abilities. Also, Resident Evil 5 was intended to be single player. Sheva was originally a NPC and a member of a local militia.She would have meet Chris only later in the game.

Anyway, Capcom created another trailer for Resident Evil 5 in 2007. The beginning of this video was not that different from the final game:  Chris walked for a bit in the village and then suddenly all the natives seemed to vanish.  There were, however, many important differences:  Sheva and the dealer were nowhere to be found, Chris didn’t  have his safari dress, cutscenes and dialogues were shorter,  the  location where we fought for the first time was completely removed, enemies had some attacks that can’t be found in the released game, such as the headbutt, and so on.

Even in the last year of the development Capcom was still moving things around. For example, the crash site of the helicopter was originally a fully playable section, not a series of QTE’s.

2004 Beta artworks

The merchant from Re 4 was supposed to return in Resident Evil 5. There were many shops around the town and you could even stole weapons and ammo. 

Silent Hill (Climax) [PS3 – Cancelled Prototype]

Climax USA, a Santa Monica developers studio,  was working on a demo for a Silent Hill pitch for PS3. However, Konami handed over the development of a next-gen version to Double Helix Studios. As we can see in the video, for this Silent Hill prototype Climax used the same protagonist from their Silent Hill PSP game (Travis). Keep in mind that this does not mean that Travis would have been in the  final storyline, as this was just a tech demo to try to pitch for a full project and probably the story was not decided yet.

While Climax USA was closed during development of Silent Hill: Origins for PSP, the UK branch is rumored to be in charge of a remake of Silent Hill 1 for PSP and Wii.
