third person shooter

Army Brats [PSX – Cancelled]

Army Brats (aka “Army Men : Arcade Blast” or “Battle Brats”) was a prototype for a new action game that was in development by 3DO in 2000 / 2001 for the original Playstation. This project was supposed to be a sequel to the ArmyMen series of games, with “kid soldiers” instead of the usual ones. The game was later cancelled, before the company was closed down in 2003. A GameBoy Color version was planned too but it had the same bad luck and it was never released. In the gallery below you can check some models that were created for the CG intro of the game.




Ricochet Rick [XBOX / GC – Cancelled]

Ricochet Rick is a 3D  shoot ’em up that was in development at Titus Interactive for the GameCube and XBOX in 2001. We dont know how much it was done before the cancellation as the only screens available are a bunch of concept renders: probably the project was canned in early development, when Titus went bankrupt in the same year.

Thanks to Vincent for the contribution!


Bam [PC / X360? – Prototype]

Before Ensemble Studios was closed, they worked on serveral prototype games, such as Nova, Sorcerer, Wrench and Phoenix, an RTS which featured humans fighting aliens (which later evolved into Halo Wars). Another protype was known as  “Bam” which Ensemble describes as a “Ratchet & Clank-Style Platformer”. As seen on various images posted by the company’s employees , in the game you would have played as Sprocket and the levels had a cartoony look to them.
