Unseen does not stand only for the differences between the beta and the final release of a videogame, but even for changes from different region versions too (usually from Jp to Usa, or viceversa) . It is not unusual, in fact, for a game converted for another market to be different from the original title. Here you will find small articles with comparison shots for these differences.
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Comparison list:
Pikmin VS Pikmin: Pikmin is an Real-time Strategy game created by Nintendo. Pikmin was one of the first Gamecube games, as well, using some concepts from Mario 128 (one of the first Gamecube Tech Demos). The Japanese version of Pikmin has some differences with the American one. Also some options are only available in the Japanese version.
Wario Land: Shake It Vs. Wario Land: Shake Dimension: Wario Land Shake It is the 5th installment of a Wario Land game, released in the console called Nintendo Wii in the year of 2008. Many miscellaneous stuff in the European version is different from the Latin America version, and also sometimes is different from Japanese version.
Wonder Boy in Monster World VS Monica’s Gang in Monster Land: This article lists the differences between one of the 3 games, and it’s original counterpart, which are Turma da Mônica na Terra dos Monstros (Monica’s Gang in Monster Land) and Wonder Boy in Monster World. Aside from a graphical change, the games are nearly identical.
Super Mario Bros. 2 VS Doki Doki Panic: Super Mario Bros. 2 (known as Doki Doki Panic in Japan) is little more than a port of a game that had no relation to the famous plumber at all. In the original version of the game, it actualy had an opening scene.
Zettai Zetsumei Toshi VS Disaster Report: Disaster Report (known as SOS: The Final Escape in Europe, Zettai Zetsumei Toshi in Japan) was released in Japan for the PlayStation 2 in 2002 and in 2003 was released in North America and Europe. When they ported the game for the US and PAL market, they decided to change the hair color for the main protagonists.
Street Combat VS Ranma: Street Combat is the american version of a japanese beat’em up dedicated to the famous anime Ranma 1/2. Because the manga series was not yet released in the USA, they completely changed the characters, the title screen and the introduction, but the animations and the special moves were left basically the same.
Team Fortress 2: is a team-based FPS multiplayer video game, developed by the Valve Corporation. In Germany the game was censored, but in a funny / interesting way: the blood and gore are replaced with random objects and plastic-alike characters.
Street Of Rage 3 VS Bare Knuckle 3: While translating this game from Japanese to American and European audiences, Sega of America altered it significantly. The most notable changes were that the miniboss character Ash was removed because he was a stereotyped homosexual
Soldier Of Fortune 2 in Germany: To avoid being banned in Germany, the German version of the game had all in-game violence and gore removed and placed the story in a parallel universe which was populated by cyborgs. These changes were not accepted at all by the players’ community, and the game was unsuccessful.
Contra vs Probotector: Even though the arcade version of Contra was distributed in Europe under the title of Gryzor with its graphical content unchanged, Konami were forced to changed the in-game graphics for the NES version, replacing the human characters with robotic counterparts, when it was released in the PAL region
Power Blade VS Power Blaze: Power Blade was a NES video game that was released in America in 1991, by Taito. The game was released a year before in Japan (1990), with the name “Power Blazer”: the style was really different from the USA version… [Article by monokoma]
Fatal Frame VS Project Zero: In the japanese edition of Fatal Frame (Project Zero), the protagonist, Miku, was a schoogirl. In the American version, she is more mature and with casual clothes, as a way of making her seem more ‘appropriate’ for the American Audiences. [Article by yota]
Perfect Dark Usa VS Japan: When Perfect Dark for the Nintendo 64 was released in Japan, they changed Joanna’s face, to match a more oriental one. If you have more images from the Japanese version, please send us an e-mail or join our forum, it would be really appreciated! [Article by monokoma]
Wario Ware Twisted VS Mawaru Made In Wario: “Unseen” does not simply mean that which was never released as a complete game, but it often also refers to graphical and textual changes in during the process of translating titles for the western market from Japan. These things are never seen in the west! This artticle, dedicated to Wario Ware Twisted begins a new section of Unseen 64, which is meant to observe what changed have been made in the localizing of a game, be they cultural or simply accidental. [Article by Ultraman82]
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- Dead Unity [PC / PSX – Cancelled] - 04-01-2025
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- Damnation: Hell Breaks Loose [PC – Prototype] - 07-10-2023
You should make an article about “Tomba!” (“Tombi!” in europe and “Ore Tomba” in japan), since there are some minor changes between the version (first of all the names), for example the pigs. When Tombi jumps on a pig in the Jap version, the swine farts and you can see gas going out and hear the noise, instead in the eu version you can see the gas but no fart noise is present. I don’t know what happens in tha american version, but i’ll glad to get a copy, play it, find differences and make screenshots for you :)