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“Unseen” does not simply mean that which was never released as a complete game, but it often also refers to graphical and textual changes in during the process of translating titles for the western market from Japan. These things are never seen in the west! This artticle, dedicated to Wario Ware Twisted begins a new section of Unseen 64, which is meant to observe what changed have been made in the localizing of a game, be they cultural or simply accidental.
[spoiler /Clicca qui per la versione in Italiano/ /Nascondi la versione in Italiano/]Unseen non significa solamente le differenze fra la versione beta ed il gioco completo, ma spesso capita anche che gli sviluppatori cambiano diversi particolari nella conversione dei titoli dal Giappone al mercato Occidentale. Mai visti in occidente! Con questo articolo dedicato a Wario Ware Twisted si apre una nuova sezione di Unseen 64, che tenterà di osservare le modifiche apportate nella conversione dei giochi fra i vari continenti.[/spoiler]
[Article by Ultraman82, English translation by Take_It_Slow]
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The PAL version of Wario Ware Twisted! never came out due to the laws of importation of UE and because the gyrosensor contains Mercury.
So in the end WWT was never released in Europe? I missed that, i did not want to wait anymore, so i just bough the USA version in the end :P